By learning the meaning of fractions, students will master the computational theory behind the multiplication and division of fractions, and understand the relationship between these two arithmetic operations. Students will also learn how to use the multiplication and division of fractions to solve real-life problems.
Master the meaning and the properties of ratios, learn how to calculate value ratios and simplified ratios, and be able to establish a relationship between ratios and division.
Understand the meaning of percentages, become familiar with calculating percentages, and be able to solve real-life problems involving percentages.
Be able to use directions and distances to express locations, and take the first step toward thinking about coordinates.
Master the formulas for calculating the areas of basic shapes, and understand how 2D and 3D shapes are related to one another.

Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Ratio and Rates
Introduction to Rational Numbers
The Coordinate Plane

Area of a Plane Figure
Three-Dimensional Figures

Introduction to Statistics
Data Displays